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Fund Managers

An integrated Front to Back Office SaaS solution
Shadow NAV with Front & Middle Office tools for Managers that outsource

FPM provides Fund Managers with an integrated end-to-end (Front to Back Office) cloud-based solution for automating the investment life-cycle from Modelling and Rebalancing portfolios, through Order Management and Trade Processing to Valuations, Fund Accounting, TWRR and Compliance to Bulk Pricing of Unitised portfolios through to flexible Reporting Tools
For Managers that outsource their core admin activities, FPM provides the solution to gaining confidence and control over your data. The FPM Shadow NAV SaaS system offers a cost-effective and user-friendly Oversight solution with the additional benefit of integrated Front Office tools for Order Management, Modelling and Compliance. For more information of the FPM Shadow NAV & Front Office SaaS solution go to Products-> Shadow NAV Solutions -> Position-Based and Full Accounting

FPM combines a world class Investment Back Office system with innovative and user-friendly Middle and Front Office tools to provide an innovative and cost effective end-to-end solution for Fund Managers

Modelling and Order Management

  • Create Models and rebalance portfolios to target applying tolerances, minimum trade quantities and expected cash flows
  • Automatically generate suggested Orders which can then be adjusted before Releasing to Brokers
  • Pre-Trade Compliance checks

Multi-currency Fund Accounting

  • Automated daily workflows streamline complex processes and provide transparency and control while reducing errors
  • FPM’s Fund Accounting is designed from the ground up with reasonability checks and validations in place at every step in the workflow
  • Reverse and roll-back features update accounts in real time
  • Enhanced communications to all stakeholders through automated distribution or online reporting of tailored financial data report packs


Comprehensive range of Instrument types

  • FPM handles a comprehensive range of global instrument types including Equities, Unit Trusts, Property, Futures, Options, Moptions, Forex, Bonds, VCBonds, Floating Rate Bonds, Inflation Linked Bonds, Discount and Simple Interest Money Market and Swaps

Flexible access to information

  • FPM’s modern technology provides easy, customisable access to information with the ability to export to excel etc. Grid based enquiries include the ability to select and arrange columns, filter, sort, graph and export data to excel
  • Real time update of data provides immediate reporting which is available 24×7

Graphical workflows & Unitised Pricing

  • Fast and efficient workflow automated the Pricing and Distributions of Unit Trusts and other unitised portfolios.
  • Daily tasks such as Interest accrual and payment processing, Corporate Actions, Mark to Markets etc. can also be automated via the graphical and customisable Day Process, together with various steps to check reasonability of data as well as triggers to extract or import data for integration

Integrated Regulatory calculations and reporting

  • Dividends and Interest Withholdings tax
  • S24J accruals
  • CGT
  • ASISA reporting

Easy importing of data

  • FPM allows imports of data such as market data, transactions and static data. This can be done via excel or xml. This provides significant efficiency and standardization benefits to the business

Shadow NAV Oversight for Managers that outsource

  • Supports independent Valuations and Corporate Actions
  • Access to real-time portfolio data
  • Automated Report Pack distribution


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